Monday, June 28, 2010

Midcities Picnic @ Sherwood Park 2010

We (Dan and Tab) enjoyed ourselves and had an awesome time at Midcities get-together @ Sherwood Park; featuring Whitehouse Meat Market's hamburgers, hot dogs, and spicy sausage. The hamburger was amazing and the sausage was super kickin' spicy, which was really great. Even the cookie afterwards was tasty. For the kids there were inflatable jumpers & balloon animals. It was really great that Chris and Stephanie also came out to the picnic. Me and Chris participated in a balloon toss, and seed spitting contest. For the balloon toss, me and Chris made it the 4th round or so with about 20 yards between us, until Chris threw one without much arc on it, and I didn't adjust to cradle it without popping right on my belly. For the seed spitting contest, Chris held the 2nd place spot for a significant amount of time, while I simply spit my seed and hit Chris. While I was disqualified, I felt like a winner. Overall, it was a really fun time, and cool to fellowship with some of our brother's and sister's in Christ.

Location of event

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This is the invite we got to go to this.

Sunday,June 27 from 6-8pm at Sherwood Park in Odessa. Gather your friends and family and join us for a fun-filled church picnic! There will be plenty of great food and fellowship with church family. The cost is $5 per person or $10 per family. You may register online or pay at the park.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Big D's Blog: A Few Favorite Films

Big D's Blog: A Few Favorite Films

Monday, June 14, 2010

Emergency Weather Poncho

I had to improvise to make an EWP to check on the car windows that I thought I had left down.
Me and Tab enjoying the inclimate weather.

55 Gallon Trash Bags + Dan = Emergency Weather Poncho


I heard this is going to be featured in Sexy and the City 3!

My fav pajama pants